TYPE nine


Enneagram Type 9 is often referred to as "The Peacemaker" or "The Mediator." Nines are driven by their desire for harmony, peace, and unity. They value connection and may be highly attuned to the needs and feelings of others.

Nines may have a natural talent for mediation and conflict resolution, seeking to find common ground and avoid confrontation whenever possible. They may be highly adaptable and easy-going, able to adjust their approach to meet the needs of those around them. They may also have a strong sense of empathy and may be highly attuned to the emotional needs of those around them.

However, Nines may struggle with assertiveness or standing up for themselves. They may have a tendency to avoid conflict or difficult situations, preferring to keep the peace. They may also struggle with indecisiveness or procrastination, as they may have a hard time prioritizing their own needs and desires.

Overall, Nines are driven by their desire for harmony and unity. While they may struggle with assertiveness or decision-making, they are also highly adaptable and empathetic individuals who value connection and peace in all aspects of their lives.