Enneagram Type 1 is often referred to as "The Perfectionist" or "The Reformer." Ones are driven by their desire to live in a world that adheres to their high standards of morality and excellence. They have a strong sense of right and wrong and strive to do what is right, just, and fair. They are disciplined, organized, and responsible, and they have a keen eye for details.

Ones tend to be critical of themselves and others, and they can become frustrated when things don't meet their standards. They have a strong sense of self-control and tend to be quite self-disciplined, often pushing themselves to work harder and do better. They can be rigid and inflexible in their thinking, and they may struggle to accept alternative viewpoints or approaches.

Ones are often seen as serious and reserved, and they can be quite hard on themselves. They may have a tendency to repress their emotions or avoid conflict, preferring to keep things under control. They value structure and routine and may become anxious or stressed in situations that are unpredictable or chaotic.

Overall, Ones are driven by their desire for perfection and their commitment to doing what is right. While they can be rigid and critical at times, they are also deeply committed to personal growth and improvement.