Enneagram Type 5 is often referred to as "The Investigator" or "The Observer." Fives are driven by their desire for knowledge, understanding, and self-sufficiency. They are highly analytical and intellectual individuals who value competence and expertise.

Fives are often introverted and may prefer solitude or quiet environments where they can focus on their thoughts and ideas. They are highly independent and self-sufficient, valuing their autonomy and privacy. They may be highly curious and enjoy exploring new ideas and concepts.

However, Fives may struggle with feelings of inadequacy or a fear of not having enough knowledge or resources. They may have a tendency to withdraw or become distant in order to protect themselves from feeling overwhelmed or drained. They may also struggle with social interactions, preferring to avoid small talk or situations that feel superficial.

Overall, Fives are driven by their desire for knowledge and self-sufficiency. While they may struggle with feelings of inadequacy or a fear of being drained, they are also highly analytical and curious individuals who value competence and expertise in all aspects of their lives.