Hand Shapes

Earth Hand Palmistry
Fire Hand Palmistry



  • Square, bulky, strong.

  • Healthy red hue.

  • Palm Length roughly equal to finger length.

  • Rectangular or square.

  • Palm Length larger than finger length.

  • Red or pink hue.

Water Hand Palmistry
Air Hand Palmistry



  • Elongated or oval shaped palm.

  • Elongated and conical fingers.

  • Flexible fingers.

  • Soft

  • Clammy to the touch

  • Rectangular or square.

  • Elongated fingers.

  • Enlarged knuckle bones.

  • Dry Texture

In addition to hand shapes, skin color, texture, and consistency can also greatly affect a reading in Palmistry:

Skin Color:

The skin color of the hand can provide clues about a person's potential health issues and overall vitality. Palmists may observe the color of the skin on the hand to gain insight into a person's potential health and wellbeing.

  • Redness or pinkness: This can indicate inflammation, anemia, or poor circulation. A person with redness in the palm may be prone to inflammation-related health issues or may need to take care to improve their circulation.

  • Yellow or sallow: This can suggest liver or digestive issues. A person with yellowish or sallow skin may need to take steps to improve their liver function or digestive health.

  • Pale or white: This can suggest poor circulation or anemia. A person with pale or white skin on their hand may need to take steps to improve their blood flow or increase their iron intake.

    Skin Texture:

    The texture of the skin on the hand can indicate a person's potential for vitality and overall health. Palmists may observe the texture of the skin on the hand to gain insight into a person's potential health and wellbeing.

  • Soft and supple: This can suggest good health and vitality. A person with soft and supple skin may have a strong immune system and may be less prone to skin-related health issues.

  • Dry and rough: This can suggest potential health issues or a lack of vitality. A person with dry and rough skin on their hand may need to take steps to improve their overall health and wellbeing.

    Skin Consistency:

    The consistency of the skin on the hand can provide clues about a person's potential health issues and overall vitality. Palmists may observe the consistency of the skin on the hand to gain insight into a person's potential health and wellbeing.

  • Elastic and pliable: This can suggest good health and vitality. A person with elastic and pliable skin on their hand may be less prone to skin-related health issues and may have good circulation.

  • Stiff or rigid: This can suggest potential health issues or a lack of vitality. A person with stiff or rigid skin on their hand may need to take steps to improve their overall health and wellbeing.

Overall, differences in skin color, texture, and consistency can provide valuable clues to a palmist about a person's potential health and wellbeing. These factors should be taken into consideration alongside other features of the hand, such as the lines and mounts, for a more comprehensive understanding of a person's potential and destiny.